My Life Verses

Proverbs 28:14 Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.

1 John 4:19 We love because HE first loved us.

Jeremiah 17:7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in HIM.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Friday, May 18, 2012

when I am about..

sorry everyone, i am not in a hurry..

 .. many times.. when I am about to take opportunities, chances, and risks .. they holdback.. bec. they are in a hurry, so afraid and lack of faith..

Opportunities don't expire.. if they do... SO BE IT! :P
chances are created not given.. women don't create chances.. men do!
risk? .. man should be the 1st to take risk! 

women are reactors not initiators..

 .. there's what we call GOD's way and GOD's time ..

let's talk about patiece.. i have long.. :)
other's failure ain't my failure.. hihihi :)

whatever happens, everything still under the will and control of GOD ..
and I am thankful !!! :P

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why I love my parents

My parents are not Christians, definitely far from being perfect and far from the type of people who strives for righteousness.. yet and tho my parents are not perfect and completely a sinner, they showed me unconditional love.. They are the people in my life who will never leave me..
I’ve been brought up by my parents in a kinda like military way of disciplining, they are really strict. They always have high expectations with me and always proud of my achievements when I was a kid. Back then I am a very silent and submissive kid, until I rebel as a daughter, because youth are fools..

My dad and mom never lacked in giving parental guidance, lessons and advise, they always feed me and teach me noble things, right attitude, values and good character. They always teach me what is good, tho they themselves often fail to walk the talk. Hehehe

My mom, tho she is not Born Again Christian like me right now, She a GOD fearing Catholic believer , she has taught me how to fear GOD and to kneel and pray.

My dad, he is a Catholic-Buddist Chinese tradition typical Chinese, I really don’t know what is his stand, hehehe but he taught me to respect old people.

the time I rebel, GOD has HIS way to be a Father to me, everything is under HIS control.

I have slept 3 times (3 separate season) as an adult like a baby in my parents bed, sleeping in between them so that I will be comforted by my mom and be able to sleep and not cry because of heartache, it was the 3 times my heart was broken for loving someone so much, a realization that I will always go back to my parents when the person I chose to love left me, I realization that my parents deserves my love more. That despite hurting them for not being a good daughter, still unconditionally they will love me. And they cry when my heart cry, remember I am their first born baby.

After the 3rd heartbreak, I promise myself and to GOD to love them much, and never to sleep in between them again because I should have matured in life, that the next time I will fall in love, I’ll make sure it will be the wisest decision. To better make sure that I will give my parents the peace of mind that I will be love the way they love me.

Many opportunities comes my way, but it is not for me to grab. I should be wise, to honor GOD and my parents. It is better for me to be single forever than to marry someone whom I will regret for the rest of my life and not become holy-holier in the sight of my Father GOD.

Another thing, GOD is a jealous GOD, HE wants all my attention and love for HIM, so anyone who I will seem to love more than HIM, HE is taking them away from me, but through that, I grow in love with HIM more.. HE is my Father, whom I really fear and love. Praise GOD.. HE deserves it all. J

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