My Life Verses

Proverbs 28:14 Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.

1 John 4:19 We love because HE first loved us.

Jeremiah 17:7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in HIM.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Monday, December 31, 2012

i haven't met you yet

Friday, December 21, 2012

how to break a heart

how to break a heart

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

even her can't answer...

i texted my best friend...
i told her i am sad..
she asked why...
i answered... she didn't reply.. i know she don't know what to say..

i opened to GOD my emotions... my sadness... and HE alone comforts me.

I told them, that i felt sad
i felt all alone...
i know in my heart i am ready... but still GOD refuse to give me...
i am blessed with many things i didn't asked for...
and i truly thank GOD about it..
i told them i accept what GOD has given me...
and be contented with it..
but to be sad is one thing i cannot control.. but pray over...

i know i need to have faith..
indeed i have faith, that is why i am thankful still..

I told my best friend that i know I am ready,
i want to get married and have my own family..
its my long prayer but GOD haven't answered..

i told them... i am always with many people..
i am always on the spot light...
i am always in the happenings..
but still i feel alone...

many non believer and believer are after me..
for the non believer they are truly aggressive...
but of course the answer is automatic NO..
for the believers...
who is still have the chance... not counted those who are already rejected... (even if they still wait and pursue...)
they would just come and get to know me...
but none really courted me...
i always got the sense that they are so afraid to be rejected...
felt like they are just fooling around with me...
feels sad...
feels like many admires me...
but none of them would want to take me home to be their wife..

Friday, December 14, 2012


whatever GOD give me, I will accept gladly..
it could be something happy or painful..
im no sure...
but one thing I am sure of...
GOD is with me...
and whatever happens...
HE is still my GOD...
that HE have a purpose, reason..
that HE knows what HE is doing..
and what HE does is the best...

happiness could last,
but should be guided by GOD still..
pain may last,
but should looked upto GOD still.

I will be still and know that HE is GOD... :)
do what is right,
do what is good,
good v.s. evil...
chose to be good...

may GOD my Lord, forgives my sins..
I am a sinner..
truly ...
but I know I am human,
and I will be forgiven over and over,
once I asked for forgiveness...

Monday, December 10, 2012

"When A Woman Loves A Man"

"When A Woman Loves A Man"

When the stars are in her eyes
And the sun is in her smile
The only moment in a life
That happens the same time
Is when a woman loves a man

She'll be a mother and a child
Sacrifice her days and nights
And no other will exsist
She'll put her life in every kiss
When a woman loves a man

And you'll be amazed at when you're stumbling
She'll fight for you 
And won't let you give in
She'll do all that she can
When a woman loves a man

A soothing breeze always blows
Somebody understands another soul
It's like the planets have aligned
Every sentence has a rhyme
When a woman loves a man

Oh, you'll be amazed how when 
You're needing it
She'll fight for you
From the begining to the end
And she'll do all that she can
When a woman loves a man

It's the greatest gift of all
Knowing tht unconditionally 
She'll catch you when you fall

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooohh, yeah
When a woman loves a man

When the stars are in her eyes
And the sun is in her smile
She'll be a mother and a child
But all at the same time
When a woman loves a man

She'll be your air, 
She'll bring you life
She'll make me sacrifice 
When a woman loves a man

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

i think im falling...

I think im starting to fall for this guy, im feeling this happiness, music in my mind, heart and ear… funny…. Hahaha
... but I need to stop.. Why?
Because many things are unsure..
I tried talking to him, but he said, don’t think too much.
So I should be wiser and smarter.
1st again be aware …. love GOD above all else, for it is a command, and it is what is right
2nd guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life.
3rd as lin bok su said, if the guy didn’t clear his intention never consider
4th he have to accept me 1st wholly
5th make sure he is a Christian 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

to know..

it is good to know who your friends are...

but it is better to know who your enemies are...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dealing with Hurtful Relationships

Dealing with Hurtful Relationships

On this planet, you are going to face some pain. Some of your pain will be physical, but there is another category of pain that you need to be prepared for as well. This is the pain of relationships.
People are going to hurt you. It might be with sarcasm, it might be through silent treatment, it might be through slander, but along the way, someone is going to hurl darts at you. And you will have to decide how you are going to respond.
Jesus told us in the sermon on the mount that we are not to follow our instincts when people hurt us. We should take a radical approach to conflict resolution. He says, “Love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you (Luke 6:27).”
How do you love someone who is nasty to you?  I want you to see how David accomplished this difficult task.
David is now a national figure in Israel. When he killed Goliath, every person in the land put him on a pedestal. The women were singing songs about him, and King Saul was insanely jealous. This envy ate Saul up to the point that he wanted David’s head on a platter. He was determined to wound David, even kill him.
Well, it’s about time that David ran. I don’t know about you, but if a man tried to put a spear through me, I wouldn’t show up again to play the harp. When it happened again, David knew that he was on the hit list. I don’t think there was any question in David’s mind. Saul was out to hurt him. He was going to continue to hurl his spears for no earthly reason. And there is a lesson to be learned even here. If you are walking in God’s will, you are going to face some enemies. A person is going to come along and hurl spears at you. They probably won’t be wooden spears, they will be verbal spears. You can count on it.
And you will have to make a decision whether it’s going to bring out the best in you, or the worst in you. And this is the one of the most difficult situations to handle—when you are being attacked.
Franklin P. Jones once said, Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger. –Franklin P. Jones
What is he saying? He is saying that it doesn’t matter who is hurling the spears at you. It hurts. It puts you on the defensive. You feel like you are being attacked. In 1 Samuel 24, there is no question about it. David is being viciously and unfairly attacked by King Saul and it is hard from him to take. But watch how he responds.
Proverbs 16:32 says:
Better a patient man than a warrior,
a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. Prov. 16:32
One has to marvel at David’s ability to control himself in this story. He is a patient man, not a warrior. He shows tremendous poise under pressure and gives us a great model for dealing with malicious people. Let me suggest 4 principles that we can glean here:
How to Handle Hurtful People:
1.Be careful in taking advice from others.
Notice what happens in v.3. David and his men happened to be hiding out in a cave and who comes walking in… it was Saul, the archenemy. He walks right in, slips of his robe, and like a boy in the woods, he begins to use the CR (in the cave where David and his men were hiding). Some of you have been camping—you know how vulnerable this is. He is totally defenseless, and he is easy prey for David.
Saul is a sitting duck. Verse 4, the men said…
This is your moment David. Overcome evil with pain. Hurt him. Hit him while he’s down!
Now, let me warn you. Often, when you hear those voices: this is not the voice of God.
When someone lashes out at you, hurts you, treats you unfairly, you are going to run to your friends for support. I can already predict what your closest friends are going to do. They are going to get mad. They are going to feel defensive for you because they love you.
David’s men loved him but they were not thinking correctly. They were encouraging him to do something that violated his conscience. They were not giving him good advice. Be very careful when you choose your advisers—they are rarely objective.
Thankfully, David does not follow the advice of his beloved soldiers. Instead, he creeps quietly as a cat to the place where Saul’s garment lies. Some people think it was wrapped around his ankles, lying on the floor, which seems logical for someone using the restroom, but that seems to be far-fetched. Most likely, Saul laid down his outer garment in another place and David cuts a piece off the end. But even in this, v.5 says, “David was conscience-stricken.” In other words, he felt convicted about it. He felt like this was wrong. Saul was God’s anointed leader and it was not his place to take him down. And as the story unfolds, you see that David was following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He did not follow the advice of his soldiers.
2. Be overly gracious in your speech.
Look at vv.8-11 here. Be amazed at David’s graciousness…
Here is the man that is determined to kill him, and David bows down on the ground and says, “My lord the king.” He exalts Saul and puts him on a higher level than himself. In v.14, David refers to himself as “dead dog,” a “flea.” What is David doing? He is humbling himself and graciously exalting his opponent.
You think taking down Goliath was a challenge; this was a far greater test for David. It is clear evidence that the Holy Spirit was on this boy because carnal people do not know how to respond with this kind of grace.
When a co-worker walks into your office and belittles your work, that is tough. From time to time, you will have supervisor that has no respect for you. He will act as if his work is paramount and your work is garbage. Everything he does is important and should be recognized. Your little tasks are expendable. If you ever have a boss like that, your natural reaction when he walks out of the room will be to turn to your neighbor and say, “Who does he think he is? What a loser. If I was in his job, I would be far better at it than him. The only reason he has that position is because his grandpa owns the company. That man is a total waste.”
And you have to wonder why David didn’t speak this way when he came out of that cave. Why didn’t David say what was on his mind? “Saul, you reckless fool. You are the sorriest excuse for a king that this world has ever seen. Because you are so ignorant and impulsive, Samuel has anointed me to replace you. That’s right. I’m going to take your job. And I’m not only going to take your job, the Lord is going to establish my throne forever. Some of the prophets even think the Messiah is going to come from my blood. What do you think about that? Your days are numbered, and you are lucky that I didn’t just kill you in the cave.”
That would have felt good rolling off David’s tongue. His flesh would have applauded. But instead, when David was being attacked, he lowered himself and said, “My lord the King. I am a dead dog, I’m a flea. You are the Lord’s anointed. I am nothing.”
It’s funny, when the God fills your heart, some of the craziest things will begin to spill from your mouth. Little phrases like this, “I am sorry. You were right. I am a fool. Can we forget this happened?”
Immature, selfish people cannot say things like that, but Spirit filled people can.
3. Be committed to treat people well when they treat you badly.
Now I want you to see the dialogue between Saul and David when Saul realized that he should be lying dead in a cave. Look at v.16-19.
The end of v.17 says, “You treated me well, but I treated you badly.”
David would not seek revenge against his enemies. Someone in our day might say that, “David killed Saul with kindness.” And I don’t care for that expression because it sounds somewhat spiteful. I am going to be nice to you so that I can heap burning coals on your head. I don’t like that language but apparently God does.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:17-21)
A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult (Proverbs 12:16).
4. Be aware that these tests will reveal your character.
Look at the conclusion that Saul comes to in v.20 after David has treated him so well. V. 20, “I realize that you are surely going to be king…”
Criticism will reveal who you really are. And when Saul had attacked David fiercely, David responded with grace. And Saul said, “Surely, you are the king. You are God’s man.”
Are there people in your life who have hurt you? Are you having a hard time forgiving them, loving them, or being gracious to them?
Let us follow the example of David when dealing with hurtful people.

Dealing with difficult people

Dealing with Difficult People

A man is almost about to die. As he lay on his deathbed, the man confided to his wife, “I cannot die without telling you the truth. I cheated on you throughout our whole marriage. All those nights when I told you I was working late, I was with other women. And not just one woman either, but I’ve slept with dozens of them.”
His wife looked at him calmly and said, “Why do you think I gave you the poison?”
Have you ever felt that you are surrounded with the wrong people? Is your spouse doing some things that causes you pain and you wonder why in the world am I stuck with this person? Is there a difficult person in your life — perhaps a friend, a relative, an officemate, a classmate, a church-mate — that is so annoying, hurtful, egotistic, arrogant, self-serving… and you do not know how to handle this person?
Dealing with difficult people requires proper wisdom, right words, and divine work.
David and his 600 guerrilla fighters are camped and hiding from Saul. But they’re not idle. They’re a kind of unofficial police force for the area. They protected shepherds from the attack of marauding tribes who would suddenly overrun an area, steal livestock and assault small villages.
Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel; and the man was very rich, and he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats… (v.2)
Now, a big beneficiary of their presence was a guy named “Nabal”. He was very rich, and as a result… very influential.  He owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats. Pretty good, when you consider that the average rancher owned only about 100 sheep.
…the man’s name was Nabal… (v.3)  The name “Nabal” literary in the Hebrew means, “fool”.  We don’t really know for sure how Nabal got his name. But what we do know from the story, is that He certainly lived up to his name!
…the man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. And the woman was intelligent and beautiful in appearance, but the man was harsh and evilin his dealings… (v.3)
Vs. 3 gives us some insight into his personality. It tells us he was “harsh and evil in his dealings…” a “Portrait of a FOOL.”
• Someone who expects their mate to put up with their obnoxious behavior and treatment of them.  (it’s either my way or get out of my way)
• Someone who’s always trying to get something for nothing…and uses other people to get it.
• Someone who is stubborn. A person who doesn’t admit that he/she has a problem, and is unwilling to change.
Nabal’s wife is exactly the opposite of him. The bible contrasts her with him, in that same verse, it says here that she was both “intelligent and beautiful”.
She had good understanding and a beautiful form. She was lovely not only on the outside… but on the inside as well.  So here’s Abigail a gracious & lovely lady, and for whatever reason… she’s married to a conceited, arrogant, irresponsible, fool!
As we come to vs. 4, we find out that it’s “shearing time” at Nabal’s ranch. During spring, all the shepherds would bring their sheep in to be sheered of their thick winter coats before the hot summer months hit.
When shearing their sheep… It was the custom to throw a big feast in celebration. Nabal would have had an especially big bash for the shepherds… plus neighbors, family and relatives.
It was also the custom of that day, to set aside a portion of the profit, and give it to those who had protected the shepherds during the past year. It was kind of like tipping the waiter. There wasn’t any law that you had to… but… it wasn’t a bad idea!
You can imagine the efficient, capable Abigail supervising the entire feast. And it was a great one! It went on for days… and word eventually made it to the mountains where David and his men were staying, that “Nabal had a good year and he’s throwing a party!”
Now to David and his men, that meant only 1 thing… PAYDAY! They’d been faithfully protecting and watching out for his flocks, so it stands to reason that they should share in some of the fruit.  Nabal’s own employees testify to how good they were treated by David’s men.
So, David sends 10 men to politely ask for a share of the food…
But listen to Nabal’s response in vs. 10-11.
But Nabal answered David’s servants and said, “Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? There are many servants today who are each breaking away from his master. “Shall I then take my bread and my water and my meat that I have slaughtered for my shearers, and give it to men whose origin I do not know?“ (v.8-11)
He says, “Who’s David?” Can you imagine that? What arrogance! What a fool! I mean, he just insulted a band of 600 armed & hungry men! He just insulted his future king! Not a smart thing to do!
Everybody there knew exactly who David was, but Nabal was too busy playing the “BIG MAN” in front of his guests to care.
Well, when the messengers returned back to David and reported what Nabal had said… David was fuming mad! Through clenched teeth, he orders his men to put on their swords.
So David’s young men… went back; and they came and told him… all these words.
David said to his men, “Each of you gird on his sword.” So each man girded on his sword. And David also girded on his sword, and about four hundred men went up behind David while two hundred stayed with the baggage. (v.12-13)
Insulting a band of armed and hungry men is not a very smart thing to do.
Meanwhile,  a servant tells Abigail what her foolish husband just did.
But one of the young men told Abigail…
“David sent messengers from the wilderness to greet our master, and he scorned them. Yet the men were very good to us, and we were not insulted, nor did we miss anything as long as we went about with them, while we were in the fields. They were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the time we were with them tending the sheep…” (v.14-17)
Abigail knows exactly what to do!
She understands the consequences of her husband’s foolish words, and she also understands men and threats, and how they feel compelled to respond to insults.
She’d probably never met this David, but she’d heard of him. I mean, who hadn’t? She knew he was rash and hot tempered, (just as rash and hot tempered as her husband)… but not as stupid.
And I want you to notice how she responds, because I think it gives a lot of insight into what to do when you’re dealing with a jerk.
So, what’s the lesson of Abigail?
1. Don’t ARGUE … let life discipline.
Abigail didn’t waste any time telling “THE FOOL.”  In fact, she didn’t get into a fight with him at all.
Prov. 23:9  puts it this way, “ Don’t bother talking sense to fools; they’ll only poke fun at your words. ” (The Message) In other words, “Don’t argue with a jerk, while their being a jerk.”
When a person is in a state of rebellion and arrogance… you can talk to them until you’re blue in the face… but they won’t listen.
Abigail stayed out of arguments with her fool husband. Instead, she stood back and allowed the consequences of Nabal’s actions be his best teacher.
If you’re an Abigail… realize that life itself has a way of softening the hardest heart. And what you need to do is to just stand back and allow your “difficult person” (whoever it is) to come to the end of themselves, before they’ll listen to you.
2. Don’t WHINE … Take Action
Abigail refused to play the part of the victim. She refused to be victimized by her husband’s stupidity.
She didn’t just sit at home and let everything collapse while whining… “Poor me! Our life is falling apart! We’re going to be destroyed… but what can I do? I’m supposed to be his obedient, submissive wife!”
No! She did something about it! She got busy baking bread, packing fig bars, jamming raisins into sacks!
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread and two jugs of wine and five sheep already prepared and five measures of roasted grain and a hundred clusters of raisins and two hundred cakes of figs, and loaded them on donkeys. (v.18)
Then she mounts up, and rides out to save the “Fool” from himself. On the road, she meets David, who is bent on burning their home to the ground. She promptly dismounts and bows before this young warrior.
When Abigail saw David, she hurried and dismounted from her donkey, and fell on her face before David and bowed herself to the ground. She fell at his feet and said, “On me alone, my lord, be the blame. And please let your maidservant speak to you, and listen to the words of your maidservant. Please do not let my lord pay attention to this worthless man, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he. Nabal is his name and folly is with him…” (v.23-25)
“Now therefore, my lord, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, since the Lord has restrained you from shedding blood, and from avenging yourself by your own hand, now then let your enemies and those who seek evil against my lord, be as Nabal. Now let this gift which your maidservant has brought to my lord be given to the young men who accompany my lord. Please forgive the transgression of your maidservant…” (v.26-28)
Interceding for her husband, she presents her gifts, predicts David’s ultimate ascension to the throne, talks him out of his vengeance…and then remounts her donkey and rides away!
I can imagine that David is sitting there stunned, as he watches her disappear, and he’s thinking… “WOW! Now that’s a woman! Not only did she succeed in saving her husband’s worthless neck, but… she saved me from a “knee jerk reaction” as well! Now that’s the kind of woman I need… someone who can save me from my own worst self.”
The difference between Nabal and David was that David was willing to listen to Abigail. He had a teachable spirit. That’s one of the reasons the bible calls him, “A man after God’s own heart”. He was willing to change.
Put yourself in Abigail’s sandals for a moment. Here was her chance to get rid of this miserable husband. She could have thought, “Finally! Nabal has treated me like dirt… now it’s time he got a taste of his own poison!”
But instead of responding in revenge and letting David finish him off, she acts sacrificially in his favor!
If you’re dealing with a difficult person today, quit complaining about it, and pack up the donkeys with food! Be an Abigail!  Abigail didn’t allow herself to be victimized, or simply complain about her situation… she took action.
3. Don’t MANIPULATE … Let God work.
Refuse to manipulate the difficult person. Instead, give him over to God and let Him deal with their stubbornness.
Then Abigail came to Nabal, and behold, he was holding a feast in his house, like the feast of a king. And Nabal’s heart was merry within him, for he was very drunk; so she did not tell him anything at all until the morning light.
But in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal, his wife told him these things, and his heart died within him so that he became as a stone. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal and he died. (v.36-38)
Abigail returns home. Nabal didn’t even know she’d been gone. He’s too busy throwing another party and getting drunk.
So the next morning… after he sobers up, she tells him about the whole incident. How David and 400 of his men were coming full tilt down the hill to kill him, and how she saved his life.
Now Nabal gets really sober! His eyes filled with terror, he lays down, stares at the ceiling frozen with fear for 10 days, and then dies of a stroke!
Word travels fast about Nabal’s death. David hears about it, and remembers Abigail. Intelligent… beautiful… experienced in advising willful, stubborn men… hmmmmm.
So he sends his servants to propose marriage to Abigail, and she humbly accepts. She became the best wife he could have imagined. She helped him acquire new traits… gentleness, submission, patience, the ability to think before you act. All things that he lacked.
Isn’t it amazing how when you do what’s right, without giving up, how God takes the impossible things of life and turns them around for your advantage?
Now, in Abigail’s situation… the difficult person in her life died.
And, I sincerely hope that your situation hasn’t become so desperate that you wish that would happen to yours. Although, I know of some cases where it would be a relief!  Sometimes you just wish that the difficult persons in your life would just go away.
Thankfully, today we live by grace… What that means is that… people can change!
If you happen to be connected to a fool or difficult person — whether it is your spouse, your boss, your child, your friend, your workmate, your church-mate, your relative, or your neighbor — there’s hope today.
Christ’s death on the cross is not only designed to get us to heaven, but it’s designed to get heaven into us!  God has provided grace to remake us and remold us. He has the ability to transform us into new creations.
God is in the business of reforming jerks, and transforming foolish, hurtful, difficult people.
So give God time. Whether you can see it or not… if you’re praying for them… you can be assured that… God is working on them!
Who’s the difficult person in your life that needs transforming? Husband? Wife? Boss? Fellow employee? Relative? Son? Daughter?… Maybe even YOU!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Perfect Christmas

My idea of a perfect Christmas
Is to spend it with you
In a party 
Or dinner for two
Anywhere would do
Celebrating the yuletide season
Always lights up our lives
Simple pleasures are made special too
When their shared with you
Looking through some old photographs
Faces of friends we'll always remember
Watching busy shoppers rushing about
In the cool breeze of December
Sparkling lights, all over town
Children's carols in the air
By the Christmas tree
A shower of stardust on your hair
I cant think of a better Christmas
Than my wish coming true
And my wish is you'd let me spend my whole life with you
repeat II
My idea of a perfect Christmas is to spend it with you


And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6
Any tragedy--great or small--forces us to acknowledge our humanity, and often that realization leaves us depressed or immobilized. But through difficulty or disaster, many turn to God; others turn on Him, blaming Him for the difficulty, accusing Him of failing to stop the tragedy, forgetting that while God loves us, He never promises to protect us from all evil.
Many, though, find in God strength, encouragement, and help. The upward look is the look of faith, and it focuses on God. It connects spiritually. As the writer of Hebrews put it: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2).
But you say, "I can't see Him!" But you can, by faith! Faith sees what can be seen only by your soul. The classic passage in the New Testament that describes faith is Hebrews chapter eleven. Here the writer talks about men and women who believed God in the face of great difficulties, and says, "These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth" (Hebrews 11:13, English Standard Version).
Faith means redirecting your gaze, your concentration, and your focus. It means getting your eyes off your trouble, the loss you have experienced, your pain and difficulty, and turning them upon the Lord, getting God into focus.
There are many things which faith does not know, and actually cannot know. These are the dark questions that confront you in the night when you cannot sleep. Such as? Such as answers to five adverbs: Why? What? Where? When? and How? Those are the questions that rise from our old natures, the ones that have no answer this side of heaven. In most cases, should God choose to answer them, we still could not really understand.
Faith knows one thing though. It is whom! And what does that mean? In prison for his faith, suffering at the hands of Romans, Paul wrote to a young man whose name is Timothy and said, "I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day" (2 Timothy 1:12). Sight rests upon something; faith rests upon Someone.
Many stumble through life dogged by bitterness, cynicism, and anger, feeling that God has forsaken them or doesn't exist at all because they can't understand why something happened. Faith doesn't deny that evil is there, but it sees Him who is above and beyond the evil. Faith chooses to get on with your life and begin to strive to find a purpose in living that can come only through a spiritual framework.
Faith is the assurance that nothing is forever, that dawn follows the darkness, that someday you will understand the questions that plague you, that God hasn't singled you out for special trials, and that in your pain and difficulty you can find God's comfort and help.
Faith has eyes that penetrate the darkness with a spiritual night vision that sees the hand of the Almighty in stronger outline than the hand of evil. It hopes in the final triumph of good over evil, and believes in the face of unbelief. Finally faith rests in the knowledge that God is good and puts into His strong hand what you can neither reverse nor change. It allows God to take the night shift and believes that when morning comes, He will be there to welcome you and to walk with you through the long day.
Resource reading: Hebrews 11:1-16.

Disclaimer: The preceding material was written by Dr. Harold J. Sala, and is copyrighted. You are authorized to download this selection and use it for your own personal use. Reproduction for sale or financial profit is prohibited. Permission to reprint it should be obtained by contacting Guidelines at or mail to Box G, Laguna Hills, CA 92654.
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Monday, November 5, 2012

will i still appreciate?

It is the month of November again, and time flies fast, 1 month to go and it is my birthday once again. last year the past love of mine forgot to greet me, or intentionally didn't greet me, if only he knew how much my heart was broken? my simple happiness for my birthday that time is to be greeted by him, last 2009 yes he did via text 3 times, 2010 yes he also did in church. for the year 2010 and 2011, i almost cried waiting to be greeted by him. and i really cried when he did not.

Oh well, on his birthday last April 2012 i didn't greet him as well, not really a revenge, but just making him feel that everything is mutual, he didn't mind greeting me, so i might as well do the same. im not sure if he is hurt, i guess he is not, how could a person who don't love me be hurt.

This year i am not waiting for his greeting anymore, am not sure also if i will still appreciate if he greets me, im not sure who i am waiting to greet me on my birthday, but the feeling is more of, i am just so excited to have a birthday celebration because this would be my 1st birthday that i am out of tremendous pain from loving the past love. Let's see what will happen on my birthday, i will pray that I will be happy that day. anticipating what GOD has for me. :) hehehe


I don't know about tomorrow,
I just live from day to day;
I don't borrow from its sunshine,
For its sky may turn to gray.
I don't worry over the future;
For I know what Jesus said;
And today I'll walk beside HIM,
For HE knows what is ahead.


I kept singing this in my mind and in my heart from yesterday to today, admittedly I am distracted, which is not good... hahaha like right now there are 3 male that is in my mind, why do they always get into my head, and ruin me hahahaha joke... but anyway, the 3rd guy, we're settled. close deal, we can never be more than close enough. okey now i am thinking of my past and semi past .. hahaha what ah term...
why my past's world and my world is in one world, got it? we move in one world, we have all the common close friends we could have, why oh why? but that doesn't mean that we're meant. why didn't it worked out before?
okey i am also thinking of my semi-past hahahaha... why also it didn't worked out? but i know why, because the past is still a semi-past that time... this guy, i know what he needs in life, i know why he is like that... and i don't know, i just want to love him. if only GOD is willing and will open doors. then after thinking about my semi-past, i will think of my past, how about him? will he be hurt.. what if... too many what if's... but i have a message about "what if's"... they are words spoken not done.
okey, sometimes what if we we're again given another chance, maybe this time it will work out, but that's just a what if.. because i know even if my heart still cares for him, i know we're not best for one another, many chances are given to me and him, but we both failed and let it passed.  but still, i will be still, i wait on GOD, and I will submit to whatever plan HE has for me. I will love the one HE appointed me to love, and I know the one will come, in HIS time. so right now, i should again go back focusing on GOD and work, never be idle. glorify GOD.

Seated beside me

Yesterday at church, I attended the 2nd service, for a very rare opportunity, I was like seated with a new good friend, James Mervin Ong, I so seldom sit with someone, because I always sit alone. I know I will sit with him, but for the intention to sit beside Remington, since they got their position interchanged unconsciously from the way I planned it, I was seated beside James, I saw and I know, many saw it and was curious about it, but all the time, in my thought and in my heart, that how and whatever this people will see it and interpret it will not be my problem, as long as I am clear with GOD, I am clear. Nothing to worry. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Today was the first time I went out to watch a movie with my crush, tho we’re not dating, as in dating like 2, nor under a group date, we’re like 8, no intention of a date, because it’s a group plan to watch movie together, we watched “skyfall” , inside the movie house, we we’re like seated in 2 different rows. But anyway, the idea that I went out with him is a butterfly feeling. Hahaha tho I didn’t confirmed to join them, I was really excited to go out, the condition was like if they will watch on a time that I can catch up to, I will watch with them, but if not, It is okey, I won’t too because I really got busy schedule on a Sunday, so I am open to accept the reality that GOD could have planned it that way, that I will not go out with them. But by any chance, they make it possible for me to join, so I was able. Thank GOD hehehe we all enjoyed the movie, tho it is not really a rate 10 movie, but it is not bad at all. Then after we went to King Chef, my favorite restaurant, it is his choice, but anyway, we also enjoyed the food and he paid it. Nice! Then after I planned to stay in LCM because I still got something to buy blank CD, but he knew I didn’t bring my car along with me so he offered a ride along with 2 girls. J Im happy. tho he is not pursuing me. So what! Hahaha, still he is my crush now. And if before we didn’t worked out, I know GOD has a reason, maybe GOD wants both to stay as friends or HE simply knew both are not ready that time.

one of my favorite songs

this is one of my favorite songs, and I don't know why I kept hearing it sung by my past.
but this is a one great song.

we fought

I have this friend, he is dear to me, he is born 1987, about 2 and half years younger to me. He is my mentor at toastmaster; the two of us really get along well. We have meeting of minds and we share lots of story about ourselves. He loves someone else but they are not they, and I, I think like someone and I also think I am still love with someone else.

Last 2 weeks ago, we just had a fight, we we’re talking about him to wait or not to the one he loves; we fought because of some misunderstanding of point. After 1 week and so, I think about 10 days we’re back again to our normal friendship… then just the next day, we fought again. Oh child! Like a child! hahaha but anyway our fight this time is more serious, it just so happened that I am so sensitive and he, he is so strong, he happened to raise his pride over me, which in turn upset me more.

So we got out issue all about the outing, for November 30, 2012, I really reserve the day for toastmaster people, but it just so happened that for some reason, he in favored of an activity that I don’t favored, and the way he favored on it doesn't seemed to be just fair or favorable to me, he also did lose some firm stand with his 1st few words, that loses my respect towards him, then it lead him to decide in pride that hurts me so, then eventually he started to throw firing words to me, and me the 1st step, run…. That lead him to self righteousness, he thinks that all he does is right, that he speaks the truth in love, and that he kept telling me that all he says and think is the truth. Then yesterday, I told him we need to have space, I wanted him to keep distance with our friendship, that I won’t tell him how I find things, that I will just let time to know when to tell him, since time is the best teacher, then eventually he again fire his words.. I felt so attacked that I also drops some words, like he is intelligent but not humble, that he decides in pride and pointed that he never understand my soft side. Whew! Sounded like we fought like a lover, but we’re not! And it ended up like a period because I really can’t handle such extreme emotion. And I cried the whole night that causes my eyes to be bulky and chubby this whole morning in church, that many seemed to notice.

Today, we met up together with some of ours toastmaster’s friends, I said hi to him, but ofcorse I treated him not the same. And afterward, after giving him a cold shoulder I felt bad. I texted him and told him that I really wanted to be a friend to him and how much I appreciate his existence, told him in order to save our friendship we both need space and keep distance with our friendship, because we could clash. He replied, and he agreed to what I message him, we both know that people who have a strong personality are people who are really weak, they become strong because they protect their heart and interest. He also told me not to read his past message, I agree and told him I won't, because I know that an angry person should not be listened to, because the words that they say are hurtful. I am not sure where the friendship will lead, but I know he is important to me now, he listens to me, he is there to listen to me. and I value my friendship to this person very much.

I know who holds tomorrow

I know who holds tomorrow, so I will trust GOD still.

I have a past love, whom I am moving on, the time I was there, I was ruined, yet this pass still matters to me, I don't want to see him hurt. sometimes I am thinking to go back, but he is no good for me, he have tortured my heart in the past, he has done many unforgivable things to me, I can forgive him, but I am sure I can't forget all of it now.

I have a past crush, who I am attracted so much, we didn't worked out, but now I would like to give 2nd chance, though he is not pursuing me now, but this guy, he compliments me, i think he compliments me. I know he has a chance to grow in-love with Christ the way that happened to me, I was a sinner saved by Grace, and I can see that he wants to change the mistakes he did to me last time. He is really my type, I like the way he thinks and act as a man. He is a true man.

I have a present friend, who does matter so much to me now, we both know that we we're only friends and good to be friends, and up to that only, but I am no longer sure for his value to me, tho I am really not attracted to him and I am not seeing him as a potential too.

this is my situation now, I will be still and be normal, and not plan my life anymore. I will let GOD..

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nothing is impossible if GOD is with me

I have a big dream, a dream that I would like to fulfill soon.

These are to have my own business, buy another car (Isuzu Crosswind) for family and business use, buy a house for my family and then get married and have my own family.. And to think, I am dreaming to have these all in 2 years time… It may sound and seem too fast to achieve them all, but hey nothing is impossible, especially when GOD is with me. I know, and always believed that GOD is always with me in everything that I do and achieved, HIS hands are present. I can say that through time, GOD molded me in sales, in selling things, and I am really not good is selling real estate, but by GOD’s grace I was able, and all I can say that it is all through HIS leading and moving.

I know that GOD wants me to achieve these all, because HE knows my heart, HE knows that these are not for my selfish gain, HE knows that even I am capable of achieving these all, these aren't my heart’s desire, HE knows I only want to have these for my family, so that through it, having me as an instrument by HIS grace, HE will be glorified, and my family will come to know HIM, the ONE who changes me, and enabled me to show them how it is to be love. The sacrifices that I can do for them, because I love them, which and what I learn from Jesus sacrifices for me because He loves us. So right now, I need to follow first GOD and make sacrifices, so that my heart’s desire if HE is willing may someday be given to me, in HIS time.
Matthew 21:21-22 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done.  If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

I want to love again and I will love again

All Of Me lyrics

The first day that I met you
I think I always knew
That you were meant to be the one
And then the feeling grew
With God and friends my witness
Our love will never die
I take the gift you gave me
Don't need to question why

For all the faults I'm made of
For all the wrongs I do
I'm not asking you to judge me
Just be true

All of me
Is what I give to you
And everything I have
I wanna share with you
And with this ring
For all eternity
I make this vow
When I give you all of me

This life is short and precious
A one way ticket ride
I thank you for the journey
I know you're on my side
And we are only here once
I'm glad we shared this day
Of knowing something special
That will never go away

For all the faults I'm made of
And all the wrongs I do
I'm not asking you to judge me
Just be true

All of me
Is what I give to you
And everything I have
I wanna share with you
And with this ring
For all eternity
I make this vow
When I give you all of me

All of me
That's what I give to you
And everything I have
I'm gonna share with you, yeah
And with this ring
I give for all eternity
My love
I make this vow

All of me
Is what I give to you
And everything I have
I wanna share with you
And with this ring
For all eternity
I make this vow
When I give you all of me
I give you all of me

Christ is Love

Human love may fail, but GOD's love never will.

Love Never Fails

Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most

Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside

Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you

Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time

Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don't

Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you

When my heart won't make a sound
When I can't turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this

Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life

Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you

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