wrote this during the brownout yesterday, this things been in my thought since July 12, 2010 to July 14, 2010 ^_^
- Know, love, trust and fear GOD
- pray, pray more, pray a lot, pray hard on your knees
- Look around
- beauty fades, character won’t, so don’t go for beauty, you won’t be happy
- learn to see one’s heart
- know who you are
- know your heart
- be stable in decision making
- know that love is given without expectations
- know how to court (girls and boys)
- don’t go to where you see chance, you create them
- get over your past (no excess baggage), let go of fear, let go of doubt and worry (easy say things, hard to do)
- take risk, there’s no insurance for love, but assurance is a no challenge thing
- clear your intention (boys)
- know how to entertain (girls)
- know the right words
- be ready with competence, be confident, don’t lose heart (boys)
- know who to give chance (girls)
- know how and when to ask
- show faithfulness, don’t flirt (boys and girls)
- guard you heart & eyes, man may not see, but GOD can see
- if it’s GOD’s will, it will, never doubt, one will know if HE is at work, GOD’s will is never easy to understand, and definitely hard to follow, but it will always be worth it and fulfilling in the end
- give time and effort, love is giving not investing, while be willing to spend is part, but not a requirement
- action and words, speak and work together
- remember the Filipino saying “kapag may tiyaga may nilaga” in English saying “Patience is a virtue”.. same point anyway haha
- know how to love
- 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, read, understand, follow and apply what is love in the Bible
- learn how to love
- selfishness cannot give love
- pride will get you nowhere
- face consequences, we are subject to it
- blaming is never a thing, don’t blame anyone with your words and actions, its yours not theirs, grow up
- think a lot
- know when to listen
- know when to understand
- be without conditions
- revenge has to have no room, so forgive as much as you do
- it is like math.. full of proving (boys)
- check, analyze, take time and study (girls)
- grow, learn and mature
- know how, when to wait
- never settle for anything less, GOD wants the best for her daughter (girls)
- ask for wisdom, GOD give it to those who listen
- Be ready: prepare to be ready, make sure your ready, and to be ready is to know all of these, because if you are ready, GOD will give you what HE have for you, else it will be wasted
while writing this, got one person on my mind...
if someone feels rejected, maybe he really is not, maybe he just ain't ready.. thats why he commit small mistakes that made him feel rejected.. ^_^
i am still.. still waiting.. waiting.. waiting for this person.. ^_^
GOD provided me wisdom.. and i put all my trust in HIM ^_^
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