My Life Verses

Proverbs 28:14 Blessed is the man who always fears the LORD, but he who hardens his heart falls into trouble.

Philippians 4:13 I can do everything through HIM who gives me strength.

1 John 4:19 We love because HE first loved us.

Jeremiah 17:7 But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in HIM.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

my baptismal testimony

I have accepted JESUS CHRIST as my LORD and savior 5 years ago. It’s been quite sometime, and it took me half a decade to stand here, present myself and my testimony and shout to the world, what my heart truly believes in. For me standing here is not simple; it’s a life commitment and an obligation that I should be responsible of. It took me a little long, in GOD’s will. I attempted twice to be baptist, but every time I attempted to I always go destractions, seems someone is hindering me, I prayed for this 3rd time and I am glad that in GOD’s will I am here. Through this years I’ve been a lot of things, I even have encountered difficult situations, I’ve been spiritually down and up, experienced back sliding and still, in GOD’s grace, over and over it leads me back home. GOD made me taste the bitterness of life yet HE also did full me with the sweetness of HIS love. HE wanted me and my faith to be tougher than ever. HE showed me and taught me that all the aches have purpose, if only I will just listen to HIM, then I’ll know. I am not perfect. I am being tested by GOD. I commit mistakes, stumble and fall. I have hurt and been hurt. I have been disobedient and hardheaded. All through this, my FATHER, your FATHER, our FATHER, never turned HIS back to me. Still continuously embrace me with love, and gave me peace. HE is so great and merciful. For me HE is everything. HE showed me love and how to love; HE showed me forgiveness and taught how to forgive. HE is always with me all throughout. I am the person who don’t easily believe, because I have this thinking that “To see is to believe.”. But what is not seeing HIM, if feeling HIM in my life is more than enough. And I am so proud to be called HIS child.

1 comment:

Tryanpost said...

sobrang ok n baptize k n, lam k dati m nang pinagppray yan...God Bless u always...Thanks for sharing your yestimony, I know a lot will be inspired by you

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